Travelling Light Circus

The Travelling Light Circus's Colour Chooser installation

Travelling Light Circus specialises in creating unique performances and installations that blend circus arts, dance, theatre, with the elements of fire, light, and music. Their work includes the design of large-scale mechanical devices inspired by steampunk, which are intended to engage and surprise the audience through visual and auditory illusions. These creations range from musical machines to scientific art pieces, all designed to control and manipulate lights in captivating displays.

The group values the collaborative process, working alongside talented individuals to bring their creative visions to life. Their projects aim to evoke curiosity and imagination, encouraging both the creators and the audience to explore the possibilities beyond the conventional.

One of the key aspects of their work is the ability to create memorable experiences, particularly for younger audiences. Their performances are designed to provoke questions and offer new perspectives, enriching the viewer’s sense of wonder about the world.

Travelling Light Circus is committed to the idea that their events serve a larger purpose, contributing to community building and creating moments of shared experience. They believe in the impact of their work, which not only entertains but also has the potential to inspire and bring people together.

Their portfolio includes a variety of events, from large, energetic shows to projects focused on social engagement in diverse environments. The group is proud of its ability to use their art form as a tool for positive change, aiming to inspire and transform through their creative endeavours.

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